Bolded statements followed by * demonstrate weaknesses or lack of proficiency
I am familiar with the key concepts of computational thinking: abstraction, decomposition, algorithms, and programming.*
I don't have formal college experience learning about these concepts. I have the basic math skills necessary to break down problems and find solutions.
I can effectively guide learners to explore these key concepts.*
I am not so sure about this one. I often help my students work through math assignments but I don't necessarily use the vocabulary used in the key concepts.
I am proficient with tools (such as Scratch, TurtleBlocks, Python) that can support students to learn to code.*
I have never worked with any of these tools.
I can effectively teach K-12 students to productively use computational thinking skills in meaningful ways.*
Based on my previous answers, I think that I need a lot of self-teaching before I can effectively teach my students about computational thinking.
I am able to effectively integrate computational thinking skills into other content areas (e.g., math, science, ELA).*
I am not confident in this area but I think it would be beneficial to brush up because these skills will be useful in my science classroom.
Computational Thinking
Concepts, Guiding learners in these concepts, Tools, Teaching, Integrating these concepts to other disciplines → (-)
o Just as with the Connected Learning section, both of us have no baseline experience/foundational knowledge for this category. On the one hand, I agree with you that math would most likely be helpful for computational thinking. On the other hand, because it is not a category on the nitty gritty of computer science, I kept the rating at (-).
o Once again, I unfortunately do not have any helpful advice other than I think this would be a good skill to improve upon because it could make working with educational technology easier writ large.