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Writer's pictureBrooke Busi

Connected Learning

Bolded statements followed by * demonstrate weaknesses or lack of proficiency


Social Networks

I use social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter) for my own professional developer as an educator.*

I do not.

I know how to use social networks to support the learning of K-12 students.*

I do not.

I know how to connect with other educators via social networks to ask questions/improve my understanding about how K-12 students learn.*

I suppose I could connect with educators via Twitter or Facebook if I started an educational account.

I understand ethical and privacy standards for the appropriate use of social networks in education.*

I don't have any training in this area.


I can effectively help others to productively collaborate and use social networks in a learning context.*

Based on my answers to the previous statements, I don't think I am qualified to effectively teach the use of applications/networks in which I am not proficient from an educational perspective.

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Ezra Friedlander
Ezra Friedlander
Sep 19, 2020

Connected Learning

  • Social Networks and Teaching → (-)

o Your predicament is akin to mine, in that neither of us have utilized social media in the capacity of education.

o Given that I would rate myself the same, I cannot give you helpful advice ☹. However, I do think this could be an effective teaching tool for all teachers so improving this skill is important in my opinion.

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